Recently made some simple three-dimensional map after rendering with CAD has published in the Forum.
Popular appreciation of friends, I hope to write a tutorial for all to practice. Honestly, I did very well this tutorial, rendering the process can only talk about the experience points.
I think that "playing" it like a "kaleidoscope" will do is to use so many parameters change of face, sometimes a mess, there will be unexpected good results. It takes patience and a little bit stressed, in the operation of each parameter to get experience.
Now I give a "three-dimensional cross screwdriver," the rendering process, for example, for your reference.
1, a good three-dimensional graphics with CAD drawing (painting process is saving it)
2, the View menu - rendering - Material - New - (name) handle, adjust the color. Transparency 0.58
3, is confirmed by "attachment", in the graph specify the graphics attached to - handle. OK.
4, re-"New" - (name) metal.鍦ㄢ?鏌ユ壘鏂囦欢鈥濋噷鎵惧埌瑕侀?鐨勫浘妗堛?鎴戣繖鍥炬槸鐢≒S鍋氱殑涓?紶榛戠櫧娓愬彉鍥俱?
鐢≒S鍋氱殑涓?紶榛戠櫧娓愬彉鍥?br />
5銆佸湪鈥滆皟鏁村浘浣嶁?鐨勨?绉讳綅鈥濆拰鈥滄瘮渚嬧?绛夊弬鏁版槸杩欐牱鐨勶細锛堝鍥撅級銆傜‘瀹氬悗涓嶈蹇樹簡鈥滈檮鐫??銆?br />
6銆侀噸鏂扳?鏂板缓鈥濃?锛堝彇鍚嶏級搴曪紝鍦ㄢ?鏌ユ壘鏂囦欢鈥濋噷鎵惧埌瑕侀?鐨勫浘妗堛?鎴戠敤涓湪璐ㄥ浘銆?br />
9銆佹墦寮??鍏夋簮鈥濇寜绾斤紝鏂板缓涓?厜婧愶紝鍙栧悕鈥?01鈥濄?淇敼鍏夋簮寮哄害銆備慨鏀瑰厜婧愪綅缃?br />
杩欏氨鏄?鍏夋簮鐐光?鏀惧ぇ鍥俱?搴旇鎵剧殑鍒?br />
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