* Desktop Linux
* Open source software business models
* Chrome OS network operating system
* Internet access This
* Virtualization Technology
* Cloud computing
* Smart phone
* Open source solutions (the economic crisis)
Constraints, "Desktop Linux" Development of reasons for that?
I published two articles in the blog: "Desktop Linux Jedi fight back", "Desktop Linux take-off in progress", the paper spoke of: "Desktop Linux" is the soft underbelly of Linux development, the development and application of the shortage of subject-driven and the lack of compatibility, it is right; further thoughts: constraints, "Desktop Linux" is the main reason for the development has yet to find a suitable business model. Ubuntu 9.10 (desktop version) is a good "desktop Linux" operating system, but Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth continues today to find its business model.
Why is "desktop Linux" development not as "Mac OS"?
From today's global market share of the operating system point of view, "Desktop Linux" about 1-2%, Apple Mac OS-X or about 6-10%. The reason is: Mac OS-X is not a general-purpose operating system, it is not for the consumer market, Apple's MacOS-X operating system (software) for its self-produced computer (hardware) specifically allocated (and Apple does have a the number of customers and their needs proprietary market).
How do "free Linux" and "paid Linux"?
Linux free and paid two points. Simply can not make a free Linux operating system products, not form industry, can not enter the market; pay for Linux, with business models that are being explored with the indirect nature of the business model cheap fares, then open source software is "free", but the media is associated fees, such as open source software business model: Like Red Hat, as the software "free" product integration "fees" (enterprise according to user needs, providing products to customers through software integration, customized according to their value to the user "fee"), or as general as Linux distributors software "free" service "fees" and so on; also is exploring business models, such as software "free" and its bundled media (such as OEM, Embedded / hardware, content, network operators, advertising, etc.) is "charging", Linux may be able to deduct a percentage (which constitute the Linux business model), Most people think that Linux is "free".
"Desktop Linux" take?
This year is the "Linux Desktop Year", now "Desktop Linux" comes off "in progress."
How do Google's Chrome OS?
Google in the western United States time at 10 o'clock on the November 19 press conference held on Chrome OS, 1:00 rave reviews. Chrome OS is a Linux network operating system, its short-term goals for netbooks. Having said that, Google developed Chrome OS short-term goal is not to completely replace its network operating system Microsoft Windows desktop operating system, but would like to compress Microsoft Windows desktop market; configure Chrome OS of the Internet in this of all applications are all Web applications, is also different from the general configuration of the Internet not only to run Linux desktop applications (or local application) also running Web applications. In this way, the open source community is not worried about Chrome OS will impact the other Linux operating system, but happy to see; As for Microsoft, in the Google Desktop platform to migrate to the occasion of the network platform, fear to lose the battle in the network in the starting line So instead of the Google initiative very seriously, and I too have to prepare countermeasures introduced.
How do online this?
When I pointed out, to give the correct positioning of the Internet, the Internet is not just the simplified version, the second the backup, this ultra-low-cost cottage; the Internet not only to maintain the basic functions of the desktop, but also develop new, integrated network function, it is energy saving, portable, low-cost computer features. The Internet is a double-edged sword for Microsoft. Internet This is a "desktop Linux" in the "middle station." Internet This is by no means a desktop PC or notebook features a simple cut to Moblin (Linux) 2.1 Internet this example, it has developed a 3D animation of Clutter new interface, and the development of a multi-point touch screen, gesture input screen keyboard innovation, this is a good example; we know, Chrome OS also to its configuration Netbook Zuowei short-term goal, then all applications are Web applications, all experiences are carried out within the browser, Chrome OS also uses innovative technology to handle printing tasks. Therefore, this should have a new look at Internet access and inclusive perspective.
How do Xen virtualization technology?
I am concerned about a variety of virtualization platforms, such as Citrix's Xen, Red Hat's KVM, VMWare's VSphere4, Microsoft's Hyper-V, the first two are open source, the latter two are closed source; very pleased also R & D virtualization technology. November 19 this year, I participated in "Xen seminar," I spoke at the meeting pointed out: "Xen virtualization technology and applications is excellent, leading, in the Xen-based cloud computing 80% of public cloud , Xen in the enterprise server market, accounting for 18%, "" I know through Intel's Xen, Intel collaboration with Xen to create the Xen virtualization framework for security, virtualization monitors provide hardware support for Xen some of the performance of Optimization ";" Xen open source virtualization technology and close, Linux Foundation released Linux2.6.23 back in time, Linus Torvalds put Xen virtualization technology into the Linux kernel patch form, until the latest version of the Linux2 .6.32 for 10 versions were included in the Xen virtualization technology. " But the inclusion of only non-privileged Xen virtual machine Dom U, and the privilege of Xen virtual machine Dom O has not included; At the same time, KVM's Dom O, Dom U have been included among the Linux kernel version (since the beginning Linux2.6.20 ), so KVM Linux kernel as a special advantage of virtualization technology very highlighted; Xen will be excluded from the Linux kernel? go from here is worth thinking Xen.鎴戝湪鏉ヤ笂娴峰紑浼氫箣鍓嶏紝宸蹭簡瑙e埌VMWare鍦ㄦ闈㈣櫄鎷熷寲涓婄殑杩涘睍锛岃繖鏄張涓?釜铏氭嫙鍖栫儹鐐癸紝鎴戝湪浼氫笂鍙戣█涓寚鍑猴細鈥滄闈㈣櫄鎷熷寲鏄竴绉嶅彲浠ユ妸鐢ㄦ埛鎵?湁妗岄潰绯荤粺鐨勯厤缃拰搴旂敤閮芥墭绠″埌鏈嶅姟鍣ㄤ笂鐨勬妧鏈紝鍦ㄤ娇鐢ㄦ椂鍙渶涓?彴瀵硅蒋纭欢閰嶇疆瑕佹眰寰堜綆鐨勫彲浠ヤ笂缃戠殑鐢佃剳灏卞彲浠ヤ簡锛屽疄闄呬笂杩欏氨鏄竴鍙颁笂缃戞湰銆俈MWare妗岄潰铏氭嫙鍖栦骇鍝佷负VMWare View 4锛屽畠鍙娇璁惧鎴愭湰涓嬮檷50%锛屽畷鏈烘椂闂翠笅闄?0%鈥?鈥滄嵁璇翠笂鏈圕itrix涔熸帹鍑轰簡妗岄潰铏氭嫙鍖栦骇鍝侊細Xen Desktop 4鈥?鈥滃浗鍐呬篃鍦ㄧ爺鍙戞闈㈣櫄鎷熷寲椤圭洰鈥濄? 鈥滄垜甯屾湜鑳藉皢妗岄潰铏氭嫙鍖栨妧鏈笌Moblin(Linux)骞冲彴缁撳悎銆佽ˉ鍏呫?鏇夸唬锛屾洿濂藉湴寮?彂涓婄綉鏈?銆?br />
銆??铏氭嫙鍖栨妧鏈槸浜戣绠楃殑鏍稿績鎶?湳锛屽畠鏀寔鍔ㄦ?鍝嶅簲瀵硅绠楄祫婧愮殑闇?眰;瀹炵幇浜戜笌鏁版嵁涓績(鏈嶅姟鍣ㄣ?瀛樺偍銆佺綉缁?涓‖浠惰祫婧愬垎鍓?瀹炵幇璁$畻鑳藉姏鐨勬寜闇?皟搴︺?鍦ㄥ紑鏀剧殑浜掕仈缃戠幆澧冧腑锛屽紑婧愮殑铏氭嫙鍖栨妧鏈?濡俋en銆並VM)搴斾负浼橀?涔嬪垪銆傚紑婧愭搷浣滅郴缁熸槸浣夸簯璁$畻瀹炵幇瀹夊叏鎬с?寮?斁鎬с?鍙墿鍏呮?鐨勪竴绉嶆渶浣抽?鎷╋紝寮?簮鎿嶄綔绯荤粺骞冲彴鐨勫紑鏀炬?鏈夊埄浜庣涓夋柟璁块棶骞朵负鍏跺紑鍙戝湪绾垮簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忓垱閫犳潯浠?涔熸湁鍒╀簬鍦ㄥ彂鐢熼噸澶т簨鏁呮椂浜戞灦鏋勭殑瀹夊叏杞Щ銆傚井杞殑浜戣绠楅噰鐢╓indows Azure鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛學indows鏄笉寮?斁鐨勶紝Azure鐩稿綋浜嶴DK锛岄?搴﹀紑鏀撅紝浼佸浘寮?緹涓?潯鎻愪緵绗笁鏂瑰紑鍙戝井杞簯璁$畻搴旂敤杞欢鐨勯?寰勶紝浣咥zure涓庡叏寮?斁鐨凩inux鐩告瘮宸窛杩樺緢澶с?
銆??浠庤繙鏅湅锛屼簯璁$畻灏嗛?娓愬彇浠f闈㈡搷浣滅郴缁燂紝杩欏張涓嶨oogle銆佸井杞殑缃戠粶鎿嶄綔绯荤粺Chrome OS銆丮idori(椤圭洰浠e彿)鑱旂郴璧锋潵浜嗐?
銆??涓?簺甯傚満鍒嗘瀽甯堣涓猴紝鏅鸿兘鎵嬫満浠婂悗鐨勫彂灞曡秼浜嶭inux鍖栧拰鏃跺皻銆佹疆娴佸寲銆備綔涓烘櫤鑳芥墜鏈虹殑榫欏ご鑰佸ぇ鈥擭okia鑷村姏浜庣爺鍙戝熀浜嶭inux鐨凪ameo鎿嶄綔绯荤粺(鏈夊彲鑳戒簬2010骞村畬鍏ㄦ斁寮僑ymbian绯荤粺);閰嶇疆Google鐨勫熀浜嶭inux鐨凙ndroid鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鐨勬櫤鑳芥墜鏈哄彇寰椾簡澶у彂灞?Motorola浜?009骞?鏈?0鏃ュ彂甯冪涓?Android鎵嬫満CLIQ锛岄殢鍚庡張鎺ㄥ嚭閲囩敤Android2.0鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鐨勬柊鏅鸿兘鎵嬫満Droid;鍗庝负涓篢-Mobile瀹氱墝鐢熶骇鐨凙ndroid鎵嬫満鍦ㄦ娲茬儹閿?锛屾湁浜轰及璁″埌2012骞碙inux鏅鸿兘鎵嬫満鐨勫叏鐞冨競鍦轰唤棰濆皢杈?0%浠ヤ笂銆?br />
銆??浠庤繎鏈熶竴浜涚編鍥芥姤鍒婄殑鎶ュ鏉ョ湅锛屽井杞殑鏅鸿兘鎵嬫満Windows Mobile涓氱哗涓嶅ソ锛屸?鍓嶉?鏈崪鈥?鍘熷洜鏄?鏃笉寮?斁鈥濓紝鍙堚?瑙傚康钀藉悗鈥濓紝鑳岀潃Windows妗岄潰娌夐噸鍖呰⒈锛岃窡涓嶄笂鏃跺皻鍜屾墜鏈哄彂灞曟疆娴併?浣嗘効Windows Mobile鑳藉惛鍙栨暀璁笢灞卞啀璧?
銆??鍦ㄥ綋鍓嶅叏鐞冪粡娴庡嵄鏈轰腑锛屼负浜嗘彁鍗囩粡娴庯紝鏈変汉寤鸿閲囩敤寮?簮瑙e喅鏂规锛屽嵆寮?彂骞舵帹骞垮紑婧愭妧鏈拰搴旂敤锛屽寘鎷紑鏀剧殑浜掕仈缃戙?铏氭嫙鍖栨妧鏈?浜戣绠椼?缁胯壊IT銆佹櫤鑳界數缃?Smart Grid)绛夈?杩欎欢浜嬬編鍥戒汉璧蜂簡甯﹀ご浣滅敤锛岃浜轰滑绉颁负鈥滃紑婧愭?缁熲?鐨勫ゥ宸撮┈閭?祫娣卞紑婧愪汉澹捣鑽変簡涓?唤鈥滃紑婧愯В鍐虫柟妗?鐧界毊涔?鈥濓紝鐜版鍦ㄥ疄鏂戒腑;鏈?繎鐧藉缃戠珯涔熶互寮?簮鐨凩AMP鏋舵瀯杩涜鏀归?銆傚叾浠栦竴浜涘浗瀹?濡傛棩鏈?娆ф床)涔熸湁鐩稿簲鐨勫姩浣滐紝鍊煎緱鎴戝浗鍊熼壌銆?br />
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